ZAGREB – Gordan Grlić-Radman, Croatia’s Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, publicly addressed an oversight in his financial disclosure, admitting to an omission in his “property card” — a mandatory public financial disclosure for Croatian officials.
According to, the oversight was brought to light by Croatian Index news website, revealing that Grlić-Radman failed to report an annual profit amounting to approximately 2.11 million euros from his stake in Agroproteinka, an ecological waste management company that deals in disposal of by-products of animal origin and biodegradable waste. The minister, however, emphasized that he had transferred management rights of his share to a law firm upon assuming his ministerial role in 2019.
Grlić-Radman expressed regret over the oversight, stating, “The specificity of my work is such that I let others take care of that part. I admit that it is a mistake, but the biggest mistake is not to correct the mistake. To err is human. It is important to emphasize that I acquired everything in a legal way and that the flow of money is known, as well as its origin, but also that all receipts are subject to tax obligations.”
He further clarified that he has no operational influence in Agroproteinka, only being a co-owner and shareholder. His association with the company began as the result of inheritance after his father’s passing.
When questioned about the significant amount unreported, Grlić-Radman explained that the income underwent standard tax procedures and that there was no legal hindrance to the dividend payments. He emphasized that all his earnings were acquired legally, were transparent, and met tax obligations.
Regarding the broader implications of the property card system, the minister stated he would pay any mandatory fines and reiterated his commitment to serving Croatian citizens.
Image source: FDCO/Marcel Grabowski
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